Although the conversation request signal (compared to the signal did not have a large number of users. What's going on and Telegram. And Facebook Messenger.)
However, it does offer some useful security and privacy features. Unlike other feature-focused messaging apps, Hint is a preferred messaging app. For privacy and security.
Is required Signal, as what's going on, also has an active phone number for registration, so you can communicate with other users on the app. Before February 7, 2022, it was. Signal accounts are limited to phone numbers, which means users cannot transfer their existing account to another number.
The good news, however, is that the company has recently released an update that enables users to change their phone numbers without having to talk. This basically means that users can now change their phone numbers without any communication.
Prior to this update, you had to start using a new number and lose your entire message history. But, that won't happen anymore because the app will now allow users to keep their chat numbers, groups and profile information the same by changing their phone numbers. So, if you want to change your phone number on the Signal app without losing the chat data, you are reading the right guide.
Steps to change a phone number on Signal app without losing the previous conversation
In this article, we are going to share with you a step-by-step guide on how to change your phone number on the signal without losing the chat data. Let us know the necessary steps for this.
Notice: This feature is gradually being applied to all regions. The feature is now available on the signal. For version 5.30.6 on Android devices and version 5.27.1 on iOS.
If your app does not have this feature, you need to join the app's beta program. Hint.
First, go to the Google Play Store and update the app. Signal private messenger for android system.
- Signal - Schizer Messenger.
- Download the app.
- QR code
- Signal - Schizer Messenger.
- Developer: Signal Foundation
- Price: Free
Signals app update
- Once updated, open the app. Signal, then click on the three dots. As shown in the following screenshot.
- Click on the signal three dots.
- From the list of options, press (Settings) Reach Settings.
- Click Settings in the Signals app.
- On the page settings, press the option (Account) Reach Accounts as shown in the following screenshot.
- Click the Account option in the Signals application.
- Scroll down the account settings within a page and tap on the option (Change phone number.) To change the phone number.
- Scroll down and tap on the option to change the phone number on the signal.
- Then change the phone number on the page. Click the button (Continue) to follow as shown in the picture below.
- Click the Continue button in the Signals application.
- Then you need to. Enter your old number. (Old phone number (then enter your new number) new phone number). Once working, press the button (Continue) to follow.
- Checking, the Signals app will send you a code to your new number. Enter the code to register a new number in the Signal Messaging app.
- And that way you can change your phone number on Signal without losing any chat history.