How To Create a Portfolio Website on Blogger

How To Create a Portfolio Website on Blogger

 Friends, the topic of this post of ours today is How To Create A Portfolio Website In Blogger! Because if you are a freelancer or want to do freelancing! So it is very important for you to have a personal portfolio website!

So that your client can come to your site and get information about you. You can provide your complete details to him on just one page! Like what service do you provide? What is the price of which service etc?

But if you have to host then you can easily create your own Portfolio Website! Because you get a lot of templates for this! But if you have just started and you do not have the budget for hosting! So you can also create your Portfolio Website on Blogger! But very few perfect portfolio templates are available for bloggers.

But today I am going to give you a perfect template, with the help of which you can create your perfect Portfolio Website on Blogger absolutely for free! So let's know How To Create A Portfolio Website In Blogger!

Download Portfolio Blogger Template

You will find the link to download this template at the bottom of this post! Below you will see a 45-second timer, you have to let it go! After the timer is complete, you will see a download button! By clicking on this button you can download this Portfolio Template For Blogger! After downloading you have to extract this zip file. After this, you will find the XML file in its folder.

How To Create a Portfolio Website on Blogger

How To Create A Portfolio Website In Blogger

To create your portfolio website on Blogger, first, you have to create a new blog on Blogger. After that, you have to go to the themed section! And you have to upload this theme there which you will download from here! After this, you have to edit this theme according to your own! In this, you can add your full details! And in this way, you can create your perfect portfolio website on Blogger absolutely for free!

So, friends, this was our today's post How To Create a Portfolio Website on Blogger!  sincerely hope that you must have liked this information! So if you liked this article, then definitely share it with your friends too! 

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