World of Instant Gaming: Some time ago there was a time when children and teenagers used to enjoy video games in their free time. At that time the gaming world was not as popular as it is today, but in today's era, a different level of video games is being seen.
Due to the easy availability of online and multiplayer options, it has become so popular among children that it is making them completely away from the real world of gaming. And children are getting away from their loved ones, due to this the physical and mental development of those children is also not known. The world of gaming is making a lot of difference.
Such addiction to video games is being seen in children, due to which they have started living in a different virtual world by cutting off from family and friends. What is happening around these children, there is no news of anything. The biggest problem is that addiction to video games leads to depression and angry nature in youth. In this era of video games, children and teenagers are completely forgetting the outdoor game. Every week 4, 5 patients of 8 to 22 years old children are reaching AIIMS.
Early symptoms of anxiety and depression
Early Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: Adolescence is an age at which children's brain development takes place. The world of Instant Gaming has the most changing look in its nature at this age. Due to these changes, any new thing attracts them towards itself.
And this is one of the early symptoms of anxiety and depression, and at this age, they can get used to good things and can also become addicted to bad things. Due to incomplete knowledge, early symptoms of anxiety and depression can be seen in them. Calling the virtual world of video games or the world of Instant Gaming, spending more time in this, children start feeling lonely and they start living lost.
Multiplayer game is becoming a big reason
Multiplayer game is becoming a big reason: Multiplayer game [the world of Instant Gaming] has changed video game in such a way that children are unable to keep themselves away from them. This grateful world gives them a chance to experience new things without any hindrance. Due to this addiction and the real world, children do not develop properly and they start keeping themselves away from social life.
School and parents play an important role in keeping children away from these game addictions. If for some reason the children are lost or feel lonely and depressed, then the parents and the school should take immediate action.
So that they can keep children socially active by including them in the real world
Know this addiction: The world of instant Gaming
- Prefers to be in solitude
- Physical activity and distance from studies
- Lack of interest in meeting people
- Inability to concentrate on anything
- Instantly become violent or stubborn when away from mobile or internet
- Changes like redness, dryness or watery eyes
- Loss of appetite or disinterest in eating
Save from the Gaming world
- Parents decide which gadget to give to children at what age
- Allow children to use the internet only for important work related to studies.
- Promote outdoor games, make a habit of yoga and exercise from the beginning
- Parents took out time for the children and played their seven
- Keep an eye on what children do on the internet
- If your children get addicted, then without delay visit a psychiatrist and keep away from the world of gaming and do not let addiction
Encourage for Outdoor Activities: Parents and schools should involve those children in different activities, in which they can learn something new every moment and they can also be kept away from the virtual world.
Mother and father should spend more time with the children and keep an eye on their every routine. Many times children do not sleep through the night due to the addiction to video games, due to which they feel more tired. Gradually, children start getting used to loneliness, due to which children start hiding everything from their parents.