15 Facebook Tips That Most People Don't Know

 15 Facebook Tips

Here we have listed the best tips and tricks of Facebook that you may not know but by using them you will definitely gain full expertise on this social media site.

Never receive a Candy Crush request

There are also ways to block invite requests to play Facebook games such as Candy Crush. Go to Settings inside the More tab of Facebook's mobile app and then Account Settings then Notifications. Then scroll down on the mobile and uncheck the application invites.

Turn your profile picture into an animated GIF

On iPhone, after clicking on the profile photo, you have to choose between 'Take a New Profile Video' or select the profile video option. 

On Android, however, you can first click on your profile photo and then select a video from your phone by selecting the 'Take a New Profile Video' option.

Stay tuned for the most up-to-date news from Facebook 

Topics that are currently being discussed on Facebook become part of the trending list. They can be accessed on the desktop to the right of the news desk, while in the mobile app they can be viewed under the search bar.

Turn off autoplay videos on newsfeeds

If you don't want videos to start playing automatically on the Facebook News Feed, turn it off. To do this go to settings there will be a video option at the bottom left side, click on it and turn off the auto-play video option.

View and control Facebook activity over the years
Photos courtesy of Facebook

Facebook's On Ten Day feature shows activities from the same day last year or many years ago that you can see for yourself. You can go to Facebook.com/onthisday to see this feature while there is also an option to bring past activity from the eyes of specific people.

It is possible to see every Like, Share and Comment in Activity 

The Facebook Activity Log contains a record of all activity on this site. Access to it is easily possible by visiting your profile on the mobile app and desktop site.

Want to see updates to specific people or pages on the News Feed anyway?

If you want to see specific people or pages on your news feed first, there is an option in the Facebook mobile app. Click on the app's Moore to go to Settings and then Newsfeed Preferences. Mark the people you like on the pages whose posts will start appearing at the top of the newsfeed.

What is the difference between friends and followers on Facebook?

There are two ways to connect with someone on Facebook, to become friends or to start following them. Being friends means that you and the other person are allowed to share each other's posts while following means that person cannot add you as a friend. When someone follows you, they can see the same posts that you share publicly. You can also prevent people from following your account at any time by going to the Followers section in the account settings.

View your profile in public and with friends
Creative Commons photo

Sometimes it can be very helpful to know how your profile is viewed by others, including friends who may have hidden something from you in the past. When you go to your profile on the desktop, clicking next to the View Activity log allows you to see your profile through the eyes of others with the help of Views.

Hide your friend's list

If for some reason you don't want people to see who your friends are, you can make this list disappear altogether. Click 'Manage' on your friend's list on the desktop and then on Edit Privacy. You can then change the viewer's option in the friend's list.

Hide specific photo albums and events in your timeline

If you've uploaded a photo album that you don't want others to see and don't want to delete, you can hide it. Click on the small grey icon at the top of the photo album or post and limit it to your own or remove it from the public and restrict it to friends or specific people.

Turn on the login alert

Facebook's login alerts and login approvals can be turned on by going to the security settings in the desktop and mobile app. You can choose to receive a notification or email whenever your account is logged in. When adopting the login approval system, you have to enter a code every time before logging in to Facebook on any new device.

Adjusting the number of notifications received

You can also limit the number of notifications on Facebook. To do this, go to account settings on desktop and phone, go to notifications and adjust the number.

Turn off birthday notifications

If you're tired of the daily friends' birthday notifications on Facebook

Then you can turn them off. You can turn off the Birthdays option by going to Notifications in Account Settings.

Always receive notifications of a particular person's posts

If you want to keep an eye on a friend's Facebook activity or when you find out they've shared anything, clicking on the Friends option in their profile will bring up a menu from which click on Gate Notifications. do.

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