While using the internet you will surely think how good it would be if some expenses were incurred through the internet, for this expense you would have wasted your time in different places including PTC sites on which If you work hard for a month, you will be able to buy 2 samosas. Although everyone who earns from the internet starts from these websites now the times have changed so it is important that you think something above them.
When you think beyond that, the question that must come to your mind is where do I get orders for other work or where do I get projects, and so on and so forth. If you believe me, Fire is the best solution to all these problems, you do not need to make any kind of investment nor do you need to take care of other problems. All you need is something you need. If you don't know anything, learn something first and then focus on earning.
What is Fiverr?
A firewall is an online marketplace where employees and employers from around the world are present. The firewall was launched in 2009 and made its mark in the Internet world shortly after its launch. Today it is the top and best website for freelancing or you can say the market. Fiverr is called Fiverr because you can do any work here for dollar 5 or if you have difficulty in any work then you can easily do that work for 5 5. Over time, the price of earnings on Fire has increased from 5 5 per order to 500 500. That is, 500 500 per order can be earned, but it is rarely possible.
How does Fiverr work?
The firewall works in two ways, which are:
- To buy
- To sell
- To buy
The firewall works in such a way that you are a busy person. You have some work to do but you are not able to do it due to lack of time. Ask someone else. Another example is when you are building a website. Suddenly an error occurs that you do not understand, then Fire gives you a chance to get it corrected by someone. There are more such examples like logo designing or voice-over video etc.
To sell
The best way to sell it is to use it as if you are an expert in making logos, then the given features make it easy for you to tell the world in a good way that I know how to make logos. Then there's Fire's job, to present to the world under his system that you know how to do it and you can do it for that much money. As soon as a person thinks that you can do his job well, he will order and give you the details and after that, you have to complete the work in due time and after that, if everything is correct. The buyer will complete the order and give you a good rating.
Will there be a fee for providing Fire Order?
Yes. Fiverr fee is calculated at dollar 1 per 5 5, meaning that when you receive a dollar 5 order, dollar 1 will go to the Fiverr account and the remaining dollar 4 will be paid to you. I don't think dollar 1 is a bit high because Firewall is offering you a facility through which you can easily get orders.
How To Make Money From Fire?
There are three different ways you can make money from Firewall:
- PayPal
- Fiverr Revenue Card
- Bank Account
- But there are currently only two methods in Pakistan which are as follows:
- PayPal
- Fiverr Revenue Card
One of these methods will be considered legal which is Fiverr Revenue Card while PayPal does not support Pakistan so you cannot use it legally. There are many other ways to use PayPal in Pakistan.
So the second way to withdraw money from PayPal is to get the money through a trusted person, that is, you send money from your Favorite account to that person's PayPal and they send you to Pakistan. Or you can get Fiverr Revenue Card and withdraw money from any ATM through it.
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Note: It is not possible to withdraw money 2 weeks after completing each order.
What is Fiverr Revenue Card?
Fiverr Revenue Card is a MasterCard that is given to its customers in collaboration with Fiver Payoneer. With this card, you can easily withdraw your earned money through any ATM machine that supports MasterCard. With this card, you can only withdraw money. This card cannot be used for online shopping.
How To Make Money From Fire?
In order to make money from fire, it is necessary that you know a job well or you are an expert in this job. I'm sorry if you don't get the job done right but the fact is you can't succeed on Fire.
Now that you've figured out what you can do, it's time to dump her and move on. The best way to do the gig is to take a piece of paper and write on it 7 pieces of work that you can do. Try to make all these things look like each other. That is, if one job is to sing and the other is to create a logo, then there is a danger that you will not be able to succeed soon. When you have written 7 works, then calmly make a few gigs a day-use good communication in them, and make the rest of the gigs the next day. Remember not to copy and paste for the gig. Tell the details yourself and explain what the gig is about. This
Also make it clear that before ordering a gig, you should be asked about the order by texting. So you can tell the buyer if you can do it.
Gig Ideas Gig Ideas
Here are some gig ideas for your convenience.
- Installation of WordPress / WordPress Theme / WordPress Plugin
- Theme editing for WordPress or Blogspot
- Error solutions in WordPress
- Problems with HTML / PHP / Java / CSS etc.
- Logo designing
- Graphic design
- Banner zigzagging
- Cartooning pictures
- Colouring in black and white photos
- Changing the background of the image
- Making business cards
- Making the logo high quality
- Adding sound to video
- Read the written script well
- Website creation
- Creating a PHP Form
- Create PDF from Word and Word file from PDF
- Make the text in the picture Unicode
- Translate into any language
- Translating English theme
- Working with data entry
- Do a Google search for the information you are looking for
- Creating an Android application
- Testing the application and providing a complete report
- Writing essays on various topics
- T-shirt design
- Singing songs
- Giving an online class about something
- Offering your services for a job for an hour or more
- Working with Photoshop
- Creating an icon
- Removing the virus from the website
- Making the website mobile friendly
- Creating WordPress or HTML from PSD
Here are some tips to help you earn more in less time.
How to get a quick order
You've created a gig. Now if you want to get a quick order, use Fire's Buyer Requests feature. This feature is something that people add here to the work they need, then the people who can do the work offer it, and the buyer who likes the offer buys it. This feature is the fastest way and the best way to succeed. In order to place an order through Buyer Requests, it is important that you place a low price that suits you and that you compel the buyer to buy in a very polite manner. If you do all this, you can get 3 to 4 orders in a day.
Always speak kindly to the buyer on Fire, even if he is speaking to you in any tone.
Some important instructions
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items such as "Prince". Also, if you want, keep a picture of your profile picture or a picture that is related to your work. Also, introduce yourself in a good way on your profile. Also, share your experience. Also, after making a gig, make sure that the image you put on it is related to your gig and not other than that. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. One more thing is that you must install Firewall's Android or iPhone app and turn on the option to stay online in it.
The advantage of this is that whenever you turn on Wi-Fi, you will automatically be counted online on Firefox. The advantage of being online is that if a buyer wants to get something done quickly or has a shortage of time, he or she can only contact people who are currently online so that a quick solution can be found. And try to respond as quickly as possible to any message you receive.
Five level system
The Firewall system works on a level system, meaning the higher your level, the higher your earnings, and orders. There are three levels of fire.
- Level One
- Level two
- Top-rated seller
Level One
Level One will be given to you when it is one month since you created the account and you have completed 10 orders and your rating is also good.
Level two
Level Two will be given to you when you have completed 50 orders in two months. Your rating is very good.
Top-rated seller
This level is given to you when you have earned a small amount from Firewall and have also received orders and excellent ratings. That is, this level is obtained after a lot of hard work. But after that, you start getting a lot of orders.
At each level, you are provided with different features and facilities.
And last but not least, the headline made you read this article. And you keep going to Buyer Requests daily and sending offers so that you keep getting orders yourself. Success on fire does not require any kind of rocket science, it only requires hard work and this hard work can be successful only when you are an expert in a job. You too can try your luck on Fire in the light of the above instructions and details and if you succeed then let me know. It will be a pleasure for me.
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