Best credit cards
Know Your Purpose First you need to identify your reasons for getting a credit card whether it is to make a good credit score, pay your monthly bill, or just shop online. Different credit cards have their own advantages so they have to be used differently. Therefore, knowing your purpose in advance will help you choose the best credit card for your needs.
Features and Benefits Each credit card has its own benefits or benefits. Below is a list of the benefits that may be helpful to your financial needs. Transaction Rewards Cashback on Purchases Easy EMIs Sign Up Bonus Travel Guarantee Air Mail Safe and Secure Online Shopping Makes Your Credit Score Works in Any Currency.
Double-check the T&Cs If you are thinking of buying a credit card, just knowing the benefits is not enough. Make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully and then break your heart later about any fines or charges.
Annual fee
How much are you willing to pay? Each credit card comes with a different plan and cost. Generally, you have to pay an annual fee. If you are getting enough rewards to cover this fee then it will be worth it. Some lenders may waive your annual fee if you are able to cover the minimum expenses. If you are taking more than the due date, you will be charged interest along with the late payment fee.
If you are using your card abroad, you may have to pay a foreign transaction fee. In addition, the bank may charge you a fee if you exceed the credit limit. To avoid this, ask your bank to exceed your card limit according to your monthly expenses.
Percentage rate
Interest Rates can be an important factor when it comes to buying a credit card. Each credit card comes with an interest rate, also called an annual percentage rate. This applies if you have a balance. Rates can be fixed or variable by your bank. Subject to change, the bank will notify you.
Know the Credit Card Types, Choose the One You Need Once you are clear about your needs, you can choose the one that best suits your personal needs.
Here are some types of credit cards you can find:
- Cashback Credit Cards
- Travel Credit Cards
- Secured Credit Cards
- Unsecured Credit Cards
- Student Credit Cards
- Balance Transfer Credit Card
- Rewards Credit Cards
- Silver Credit Cards
- Gold Credit Cards
- Titanium Credit Card
- Prepaid Credit Card
- Low-Interest Rate or 0% Annual Percentage Credit Card
Conclusion Once you have covered the above steps you will be quite confident and know that the best credit card How to choose But remember that these points are for your personal reference only, in the end, it really boils down to your individual preference so choose wisely and get the right credit card for you.